Monday, November 26, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving: Day 9, Green Smoothies

I know it seems like Green Smoothies are a silly thing to be thankful for, but I am.  I am thankful that I read about them, that I have a husband who will drink them, that I can buy much of what I need for them locally, that I have friends who drink them and don't find me to be weird (for drinking Green Smoothies; I think they might find me weird for other reasons), and I am thankful for the energy they give me.  (I am also thankful for my heavy duty blender, which I think is my most used kitchen appliance, after the coffee maker.)  I try to drink at least one a day, almost like a vitamin.

My typical "recipe" is an apple, some frozen strawberries (instead of ice), kale, and spinach.  If I have it, I use iced green tea instead of water-- I try to pack this baby with as much goodness as possible.  I used to put turmeric in it, but I must have gotten a little heavy-handed with it, and they started tasting kind of dirty, so I stopped.

Health in a glass.  Yum!
The recipe varies according to what I have in the fridge.  Cucumbers add a brightness to a Green Smoothie that I really like.  If mangoes are at the commissary, I grab a few of those.  (For some reason, I can't find frozen mangoes in the store very readily around here.)  I had a ton of blueberries that we picked this summer that I was adding, which makes the smoothie look more black than green, but I am out of those now.  (Note to self:  pick more next summer!)

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